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    Skype for Business Gets Supercharged With New iOS and Android Apps

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    Pooja Ramanujan
    Pooja Ramanujan Aug 26, 2015

    Last week, Microsoft finally announced the first preview of the new iOS and Android apps for Skype for Business, which, by the way, is a modern replacement for Microsoft Lynch. But what’s more interesting is how hard Microsoft has worked to ensure that there are no hiccups in terms of ease of use and visual appeal.

    Turns out the dashboard of the Skype Business iOS app brings with it tons of awesome features, some of which are:

    1) Contact Search Bar

    Users can now search contacts in their Global Address List by using either the first name, last name, email ID or a phone number! iOS users have the added luxury of accessing their phone contacts  through this search. Talk about convenience!

    2) Recent Conversations

    Looking back at recent conversations becomes a whole lot easier now. The iOS app ensures that users find it convenient to browse through recent calls, conversations, and meetings!

    3) Future Appointments

    This is perhaps one of the best features for working professionals. They can keep tabs on current or upcoming meetings in a calendar built into the app. To get more details, all they have to do is click through each appointment. Alternatively, they can choose “Quick Join” to join the meeting in a flash!

    4) Larger Buttons

    Yes! Instead of small size buttons on Skype, the iOS app features larger buttons that make it easier for users to add participants, manage calls and even mute conversations!

    5) Video Interface

    The iOS app ensures that users can view not only content but also stream video of the person they are talking to! In addition, while video chatting, the video fills the entire screen of the phone so you don’t have to squint to see the face of the caller.

    From the looks of it, the new iOS and Android app for Skype has a ton of features that users should love. Even though the preview of the app is out, only a small part of user base per company is able to access it. Let’s hope the app is a great success when it gets rolled out later this year.

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