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    Safari has been officially crowned the Best Browser for macOS!

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    Varun Bhatia
    Varun Bhatia Jul 10, 2017

    Apple’s positioning of Safari for macOS is simple: It’s the very best. They are very clear and confident about it. But then, every company claims their product is the best, right?

    Well, now Apple has got empirical proof for the claim that sits proudly on top of their website:

    Safari. The best way to see the sites.

    Going by the results of a very comprehensive set of tests run by MacWorld, Safari has emerged as the clear winner in the Browser wars.

    We ran a series of browser benchmarks comparing Safari 11 (in the High Sierra public beta) to Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera. In every test except one, Safari 11 reached the finish line first. We’ll run these tests again when High Sierra is finalized in the fall, but for now, the results are very impressive.

    Here’s a look at the four of highest rated tests that MacWorld conducted.

    1. JetStream

    JetStream is Java Script based, and as can be seen here, Safari just breezes through the test. The others are not even in contention here.

    2. Kraken

    Kraken tests overall speed and efficiency of the browsers while reading scripts off of the internet. Don’t be fooled by the shorter bar in front of Apple’s browser. The bars show time measured in milliseconds. So the smaller the bar, the faster the browser is. Again, Safari is the clear winner.

    3. MotionMark

    MotionMark test is designed to gauge graphics-based and animation performance of a browser. Google Chrome comes pretty darn close in this one, but still, it hasn’t got enough to beat Apple’s champion browser!

    4. Octane

    Octane is again a Java Script based test. However, the aspects of the browser it tests are more security based than performance. This result shows that Safari is not only fast, it’s also safe!

    These tests show conclusively that Apple’s browser is indeed the better than all the other browsers in the market — but only if you’re using Sierra/High Sierra. Otherwise, it’s quite hard to beat Google Chrome!

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