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    iOS 10 Will Help You Save Space on Your iPhone & iPad

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    Pooja Ramanujan
    Pooja Ramanujan Jul 14, 2016

    Who’s excited about iOS 10? We are and we know you are too! Who in their right minds wouldn’t be, with so many cool new features to play with. But, of all things great and wondrous that are expected from the iPhone, the one that’s going to bring you a whole lot of relief is this –

    Upgrading to iOS 10 actually increases the free space on your device!

    That’s right. The new iOS is much lighter than its previous iteration. Upgrading to iOS 10, therefore, can help free up almost 5 percent of your existing space.

    While for 16GB phones that only means about half a GB, for iPhones and iPads with larger storage, it can free up almost as much as 8 GB!!!

    Don’t believe us? Look at this screenshot from iPhonehacks.com. Going from iOS 9.3 to iOS 10, they gained almost 9 GB, going form 113 GB to nearly 122 GB. This is incredible!

    This is like an icing on the cake because we think that we’ve seen the last of a 16GB iPhone. With iPhone 7, we’re likely to move to 32GB as the base model. Is it finally time to bid a much overdue goodbye to our storage woes?

    Joyous as the news may be, we’d like to suggest cautious optimism here, given that this is the public beta we’re talking about. The final version of the OS might get more features or they might leave out a few, which could make it either heavier or lighter on storage. So we might get to see a different size of download and install for the final version. However, we can be pretty sure that the difference won’t be that much.

    You’d also do well to note that not all features of iOS 10 are available on all the devices. Depending on what model you are using, you might miss out on a few. Your device configuration/version might also affect the amount of free space you’ll gain by upgrading. So don’t be over enthusiastic, or you might end up being disappointed!

    Meanwhile, we’ve installed iOS 10 on an iPhone 5. We’ll be sharing our review about it soon. We also have a macOS Sierra (beta) review coming up. So keep your eyes and ears open, and we’ll be back soon!

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