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    Discounted Apple Products That Are Still Selling In India

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    Varun Bhatia
    Varun Bhatia May 28, 2017

    Generally, people don’t like to buy discontinued Apple products because they are worried about the service support and the long-term software compatibility of these devices. However, this is not the case in India.

    Many people in India happily buy the older devices at lower prices. They know that these 3-4-year-old Apple products are still excellent devices and can easily last them for a couple of years. People prefer better value for money instead of worrying about getting the latest and greatest models.

    As a result, Apple India continues to sell older devices in India for a longer period. We have compiled a list of 5 such discontinued Apple products that you can buy in India currently:

    As we mentioned earlier, these are still very good and useful products. So if you are on a tight budget but want the experience of using an Apple product then you should seriously consider these devices.

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