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    Judge It By Its Cover

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    “A thing of beauty is joy forever.” — Keats

    If ever there’s a company that appreciates beauty, knows how to get things done, and “put on a show”, it’s Apple.

    The tech giant has always prided itself in its attention to detail, and that elegance shows in the way Apple does the simplest of things. Even something as mundane as packing its products is a treat for the eyes!

    The beautiful packaging stands testament to Steve Jobs’ belief that products should be beautiful inside and out.

    What makes Apple’s packaging exemplary is that it is simple and intuitive. You don’t have to wonder which flap to pull or which plastic to cut.

    In fact, there’s usually no cutting to begin with. You don’t have to use a pair of scissors anywhere. With the exception of cutting out a few pieces of tape on the outer box, everything else just eases out, each tug leading to the other, like some well-orchestrated symphony.

    Once you’re done with all the unboxing, you will always be able to put back an Apple case without much thought. Why? Because they’ve already done all the thinking!

    I mean, just look at the back of this MacBook — it’s like peeling a banana. It’s so smooth, so hassle-free and so convenient!

    Now, Apple might have shown the world how to do things right, but competitors are fast catching up. in some cases, they’re even excelling their guru!

    Take a look at the way Apple packs their earpods:

    Now look at Panasonic Note:

    Say that’s not sheer genius! Go on, just say it. You can’t. You just can’t. Even the shape it’s packed in is symbolic — it’s a music NOTE!

    Wow. Just wow!

    KébecSon takes it a step further:

    So, yes. There’s competition. And that’s a good thing. It brings out the best in us. Without a challenge, wouldn’t we all just grow lazy and brain dead? Remember, necessity is the mother of invention. And in this case, invention is the necessity!

    While we are fans of Apple, we are devotees of good and intelligent design. So let’s hope Apple churns out some masterstroke soon, as it so often does. In the meantime, do share with us any good designs you come across. We are waiting to be inspired!

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