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    Apple Music in India is Now at Half Price for Students

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    If you are a student, thank your lucky stars that Apple has finally decided to reach out to you. For the first time in history, they have introduced a discounted subscription to Apple Music for university-going students.

    Initially, the number of countries was just seven, but the plan was expanded to almost twenty-five countries, including Australia, China, France, Hong Kong, Brazil, Chile, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, and Canada. India has also found a place on that list.

    One thing’s for sure – this discounted subscription to Apple music will be highly appreciated. Students are among the most impoverished people in the world. They never have enough to cover their expenses and constantly have to rely on ingenious tactics to make the most of whatever money they have.

    So, in addition to their individual plans and family plans, Apple Music has introduced the University student plan, which offers subscriptions at the reduced rate of INR 60 per month. That is a very reasonable price! For about 2 rupees a day, Apple is allowing young students the luxury of listening to some good music as they burn the midnight oil.

    Of course, to get the membership, there is a service for the validation of students, known as UNiDAYS. To sign up, students have to enter their email id and the name of their school, college or university. After the verification, the plan is activated at discounted rates for the subscribing individuals.

    If you thought this was a one time process, think again. The verification is done repeatedly, at regular intervals to check if students are still eligible for the membership. If the subscriber isn’t a student anymore or has been using this exclusive plan for more that forty-eight months, he/she will automatically be stopped from using the app on the same pricing and switched automatically to the individual plan.

    So, if you thought you were going to make this last for the next decade or so … well, sorry to burst your bubble. Apple is having no nonsense and jugaad. Just make the most of this plan while you’re in college and thank Apple that they’re not overcharging the shit out of this subscription!

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