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    More People are Switching from Android to iPhone Than Ever Before

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    Pooja Ramanujan
    Pooja Ramanujan Nov 4, 2016

    When the global smartphone industry is experiencing a decline, there’s very little that can make you happy. Thankfully, Apple has managed to find one such happy moment …

    The number of people leaving camp Android in favor of the iOS privilege club is steadily on the rise.

    During their recently concluded Earnings Call, Apple pointed out (with no small amount of pride) that the Android to iOS switchers was on the rise and these consumers were a large source of their growth.

    This, of course, is helped by the fact that Apple consumers are generally fierce loyalists. So, in addition to the fact that a lot of new people are adopting Apple, very few are leaving the ecosystem. Because once you’ve donned the Apple colors, everything else pales in comparison.

    Referring to this incredible brand loyalty, Tim Cook remarked: “This is due to the superior customer experience we deliver with our products, and it’s something no other company can match.”

    Over the years, the wide range of Android phones available in the market have made them more suited to beginners and mid-range buyers. However, Apple has consistently maintained the “premium brand” image. Consequently, when people want to “upgrade their phone”, they automatically think of “switching up” to an iPhone. The social status attached to being an iPhone user doesn’t hurt either!

    To paraphrase Cook from a previous event: “Apple doesn’t need to be everybody’s first phone. But we’d like to be their second or third phone; and certainly love to be their last.”

    Here’s the bottomline:

    Apple is losing share in big markets like China and they’re doing everything they can to salvage their situation. They are looking for newer avenues; India featuring prominently among them. Right now, they’re in damage control mode, and will take anything and everything that comes their way.

    Like we said before, this is nothing short of a Diwali bonus for Apple. They’ll accept these converted customers with open arms, like long lost brothers! What will be interesting is to see how long this trend lasts and what happens if the tide turns.

    In the meanwhile, welcome to the Dark Side!!!

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